APBU Referee License

2009/08/26 16:52  9776  



Official (recognised and/or certified) referees training programme that has been written on the agenda in the AGM 2000 held in 2nd September, 2000 (Singapore) and was confirmed to be taken into action before end of 2001.

 After negotiation between Mr. Kazuo Fujima (the Sports Director) and the secretariat, the APBU has decided to run this training programme in Taipei City (Chinese Taipei) from 3rd December thru 7th December, 2001. deadline of application will be 15th October, 2001. Please fax your application to Mr. Kazuo Fujima, Sports Director of the APBU via number +81-75-212-0128.

 There are three levels of recognition and/or certification for the Official Tournaments Referees, each is requiring specific training by the APBU Sports Director and some Professors from the organiser as follows:

 LEVEL 1 – The APBU recognized National or Territorial Tournaments Referees:


This is the based entry level for all Official Tournaments Referees and is directed primarily at those who wish to develop further a working knowledge of 9-Ball, 8-Ball, and also if required, 15-Ball Rotation or 14-1. It is also for the APBU affiliated Members wishing to have a “Recognised” referee to officiate at their local events.


To achieve this level of recognition, one must successfully complete for the following two programmes.

(1)     A written question examination as administered by the APBU office for programme administration.

A written examination is based on the current official rules for general rules of pocket billiards, 9-Ball, 8-Ball and if required, 15-Ball Rotation or 14-1, published annually by the APBU or the WPA, and further on the standard knowledge for some of equipment specifications for the pocket billiards. A passing grade of 90% must be achieved.


(2)     Practical test for various scenarios from actual game situations. A miss-judge, a careless attention, a mistake application with a rule to a case, a slow conduct and other unsuitable action as referee will be recorded as one point, then a passing grade must be less than 3 points during the several actual matches that will be competed with two athletes in the test venue.


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