June, 2015 Archives

2015 ACBS & APBU Asian Men & Junior Pool Championship

2015/06/11 16:33  3943  

2015  Asian Men & Junior Pool Championship

11708004_867199323365178_2089041506547821266_oWe are please to announce the championship  co sanction with ACBS,

and the sponsorship: Wang Jhan-Yang social welfare Foundation

2015王詹樣盃亞洲花式撞球錦標賽-360X60-PPThe live streaming for the two first days:






Photos: by Mr. Takayama:   https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.864963270255450.1073741956.136136753138109&type=3




Champion: Lo Li Wen( JPN)

Runner Up: Oi Naoyuki( JPN)

3rd place: Aloysius Yapp( SIN) , Chang Jung Lin( TPE)

5-8 place: Ko Pin Yi( TPE), Ko Ping Chung( TPE), Chang Yu Lung( TPE), Kong Bu Hong Andrew ( Hong Kong)

Boy Single:

Champion: Jefrey Roda( PHI)

Runner up: Basil Al Shajjiar( PHI)

3rd place: Ko Pin Han( TPE), Huang Peng Ren(TPE)

5-8 place:Muhammad A. B M. Y.  (MAS), Mohammed S. M H Al-Ali (QAT),

Yip Kin Ling Leo 葉建寧 (HKG), Tang, Jing-Ting 唐境霆 (TPE)

Boy Double:

Champion: Philippine team( Jefrey Roda+ Basil Al Shajjar)

Runner up: Hong Kong Team A( Lo Ho Sum+ Robbie James Capito)

3rd place:

Hong Kong Team B(Yip Kin Ling Leo+ Wang Yan)

Qatar Team: (Mohammed S. M H Al-Ali+Yazed Turki A S Al Ali)

Girl Single:

Champion: Chen, Chia Hua(TPE)

Runner Up: Fan Yu Xuan( TPE)

3rd place: Chezka Centeno  (PHI), Wang, Wan-Ling(TPE)

Girl Double:

Champion: TPE team C( Tsai, Pei Chun+ Li Xin Yu)

Runner Up: TPE team B( Chen Chia Hua+ Wang Wan Ling)

3rd place: Korea team A( Kang Hyo Eun+ Kim Bo Geon)

Korea Team B( Seo Seoa + Lee Woo Jin)

ACBS Logo imageDetail:2015Asian Junior Pool Championship0604


Men: 9-ball Single.

Junior: 9-Ball Single,
9-Ball Double (Scotch doubles)
Girl: 9-ball Single,
9-Ball Double (Scotch doubles)
Venue: Ji- Hsien Pool Club (Tel: +886-2-2283-1919)
2F. No.233, Jixian Road, Lujhou District, New TipeiCity
Schedule 25.July.15 Arrival day and Practice
26.July.15 17.00 Players meeting & Draw
26.July.15 18:00 Welcome & Opening.
27.July.15 10:00h Start of matches
31.July.15 Finals
1.Aug.15 Day of departure
Junior Age limit ( will updated and confirm again according to WPA age limited)
Girls born from 01.01.1997
Boys born from 01.01.1997
Format / Races
Men Division:
9-Ball, Race to 8 – Double Elimination till top 16 then Single Elimination
Juniors Division:
9-Ball, Race to 7 – Double Elimination till Quarter-finals then Single Elimination.
Girls Division:
9-Ball, Race to 6 – Double Elimination till semi-finals then Single Elimination.
Break rules : All tables are tapped.“three point rule” is used. No Break Box. Alternate Break
Quota : Each country may send 2 Men, 2 boys and 2 girls.
Total fields : Men: 64, Boy 32, Girl 24( if there is spot left, host country will fill up the spot)