Ak Md Saiful Azri captures nine-ball singles gold medal
2009/12/02 10:59 4121Ak Md Saiful Azri captures nine-ball singles gold medal
Asia vs Europe 9-Ball Team Challenge 2009
2009/11/25 11:40 116172010 ASIA VS EUROPE 9-ball Team Challenge
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM (15-17 January 2010)
WPBA Taiwan Women’s 9 Ball International Regional Tour
2009/10/23 17:18 5545
Updated! Chang Shu Han -TPE the highest ranking Won the ticket to the 2010 WPBA Regional Tour Championship!
2009/09/09 16:00 4078The ORCULLO vs YANG FACEOFF is fast approaching this SEPT 8th and 9th GMT +8 (6pm to 10pm Asia)
All Japan Championship
2009/08/19 10:54 7762First place:Francisco Bustamante(PHI)、Han Yu(China)
Runner up: Antonio Lining(PHI)、Lim yun Mi(KOR)
Third place:Kuo Po Cheng( TPE)、Warren Kiamco(PHI)、Chang Shu Han ( TPE)、Liu SaSa(China)
The 42th All Japan Championship 2009
World Junior 9-Ball Championship-Nicaragua
2009/08/18 17:49 5933Dear members,
Novenber 3rd to 8th. ( time schedule as below)
Arrival Airport: “AUGUSTO CESAR SANDINO” Managua, Nicaragua.
Regarding to the World Junior Pool Championships, please inform APBU know how many quota you may need, I will collect all the answers then to report to WPA,
Asian 10-Ball Championship
2009/08/18 17:32 3423Sorry, members: the event will be rescheduled, the final desicion will be announced soon after we received from The organizer: Dragon Promotion.