
World Universiade Games

2017/07/17 11:29  2330  

A02 標誌組合  中英文橫式-1Dear members,

Please notice the World Universiade Games official deadline to complete the I-Delegation is July 19, 2017. In case you have any problems related to the registration process or difficulties in accessing the system, please directly contact

The 2017 World Universiade Games – result – Book –

2017 World Universiade Games Men's double top 3

2016 Formosa Cup ACBS Asian Pool Championship

2016/07/22 15:01  5367  


2016 ACBS & APBU Asian Men & Junior Pool Championship

Sanctioned By                :

Asian Confederation of Billiard Sports

Asian Pocket Billiard Union (APBU)

Organizer :

Chinese Taipei Billiards Federation (CTBF)

Tel: +886-2-2728-1993 Fax: +886-2-2726-1130


Tournament Information


Participants MUST purchase or provide their own personal insurance. The Player acknowledges that by agreeing to participate in the Event that any rights of recovery he may have against the Promoter for personal injury or damage to property whilst participating in the Event are waived.


Men: 9-ball Single,

Junior: 9-Ball Single,

9-Ball Double (Scotch doubles)

Girl: 9-ball Single,

9-Ball Double (Scotch doubles)



No.1, Yumen St., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Shuttle bus will be provide between hotel and venue.

Schedule 16.AUG..- Arrival day

17.AUG..- 17.00  Players meeting & Draw

18-21 AUG..– 09:00h Start of matches

21 AUG -Finals

22 AUG- Day of departure

Junior Age limit ( will updated and confirm again according to WPA age limited)

Girls born from 01.01.1998

Boys born from 01.01.1998

Format / Races

Men Division:

9-Ball, Race to 8 – Double Elimination till top 16 then Single Elimination

Juniors Division:

9-Ball, Race to 7 – Double Elimination till Quarter-finals then Single Elimination.

Girls Division:

9-Ball, Race to 6 – Double Elimination till semi-finals then Single Elimination.

Break rules : All tables are tapped.“three point rule” is used. No Break Box. Alternate Break

9-ball professional rule

In 2016 the following racking rule will be used. This rule change will be valid for all 2016 WPA Ranked events and will be then evaluated by the WPA General Assembly in order to make the final decision with regards to the change.

Additionally, three point rule will be used for all WPA events (See Regulations 18.Three Point rule) .

2.2 Nine Ball Rack

The object balls are racked as tightly as possible in a diamond shape, with the one ball moved two ball diameters up the table so that the nine ball is placed at the apex of the diamond and on the foot spot and in the middle of the diamond. The other balls will be placed in the diamond without purposeful or intentional pattern.

Nine Ball Rack

Quota : Each country may send 2 Men, 2 boys and 2 girls.

Total fields : Men: 48, Boy 32, Girl 24( if there is spot left, host country will fill up the spot, if you need more spots, please contact us earlier)

Winner: There are two spots for Winner in Girl and Boy division are guarantee to qualify to participate in 2016 WPA world Junior Championship in Shanghai in November.

Prize money for Men’s division:

Winner: USD 5,000

Runner up: USD 2,000

3rd place: USD1,000 X2

5-8th place: USD 500X4

Sign Up Open Date:  From 1 May 2016.

Entry Closing Date: Closing date for entries is 02 July 2016, No entry fee.

Travel Information : Taoyuan International Airport (CKS) ( about 1 hour to Taipei)

Or Taipei Songshan international airport ( In Taipei)

Table Clothes : YTT

Balls : Cyclop

Entry List as below:

Team List-1Team List-2Team List-3

2015 All Japan Championship

2015/11/17 13:04  2135  

2015 All Japan

2015 All Japan Championship

All Japan

For all the results, please link:

New WCBS website

2015/08/13 14:15  1980  


New WCBS website :

2015 ACBS & APBU Asian Men & Junior Pool Championship

2015/06/11 16:33  3937  

2015  Asian Men & Junior Pool Championship

11708004_867199323365178_2089041506547821266_oWe are please to announce the championship  co sanction with ACBS,

and the sponsorship: Wang Jhan-Yang social welfare Foundation

2015王詹樣盃亞洲花式撞球錦標賽-360X60-PPThe live streaming for the two first days:

Photos: by Mr. Takayama:



Champion: Lo Li Wen( JPN)

Runner Up: Oi Naoyuki( JPN)

3rd place: Aloysius Yapp( SIN) , Chang Jung Lin( TPE)

5-8 place: Ko Pin Yi( TPE), Ko Ping Chung( TPE), Chang Yu Lung( TPE), Kong Bu Hong Andrew ( Hong Kong)

Boy Single:

Champion: Jefrey Roda( PHI)

Runner up: Basil Al Shajjiar( PHI)

3rd place: Ko Pin Han( TPE), Huang Peng Ren(TPE)

5-8 place:Muhammad A. B M. Y.  (MAS), Mohammed S. M H Al-Ali (QAT),

Yip Kin Ling Leo 葉建寧 (HKG), Tang, Jing-Ting 唐境霆 (TPE)

Boy Double:

Champion: Philippine team( Jefrey Roda+ Basil Al Shajjar)

Runner up: Hong Kong Team A( Lo Ho Sum+ Robbie James Capito)

3rd place:

Hong Kong Team B(Yip Kin Ling Leo+ Wang Yan)

Qatar Team: (Mohammed S. M H Al-Ali+Yazed Turki A S Al Ali)

Girl Single:

Champion: Chen, Chia Hua(TPE)

Runner Up: Fan Yu Xuan( TPE)

3rd place: Chezka Centeno  (PHI), Wang, Wan-Ling(TPE)

Girl Double:

Champion: TPE team C( Tsai, Pei Chun+ Li Xin Yu)

Runner Up: TPE team B( Chen Chia Hua+ Wang Wan Ling)

3rd place: Korea team A( Kang Hyo Eun+ Kim Bo Geon)

Korea Team B( Seo Seoa + Lee Woo Jin)

ACBS Logo imageDetail:2015Asian Junior Pool Championship0604


Men: 9-ball Single.

Junior: 9-Ball Single,
9-Ball Double (Scotch doubles)
Girl: 9-ball Single,
9-Ball Double (Scotch doubles)
Venue: Ji- Hsien Pool Club (Tel: +886-2-2283-1919)
2F. No.233, Jixian Road, Lujhou District, New TipeiCity
Schedule 25.July.15 Arrival day and Practice
26.July.15 17.00 Players meeting & Draw
26.July.15 18:00 Welcome & Opening.
27.July.15 10:00h Start of matches
31.July.15 Finals
1.Aug.15 Day of departure
Junior Age limit ( will updated and confirm again according to WPA age limited)
Girls born from 01.01.1997
Boys born from 01.01.1997
Format / Races
Men Division:
9-Ball, Race to 8 – Double Elimination till top 16 then Single Elimination
Juniors Division:
9-Ball, Race to 7 – Double Elimination till Quarter-finals then Single Elimination.
Girls Division:
9-Ball, Race to 6 – Double Elimination till semi-finals then Single Elimination.
Break rules : All tables are tapped.“three point rule” is used. No Break Box. Alternate Break
Quota : Each country may send 2 Men, 2 boys and 2 girls.
Total fields : Men: 64, Boy 32, Girl 24( if there is spot left, host country will fill up the spot)

2015 Amway eSpring international Women 9-ball championship

2015/02/10 16:17  3757  

2015AmwayeSpringOpen_logo_OL2015 AMWAY eSpring International women 9-Ball Championship


(Photo by Mr. Takayama)

Youtube video:


- full event coverage

2014 All Japan Championship

2014/12/02 11:26  2235  

2014 All Japan Championship






For more information, please log in :

or face book: All Japan Championship

2014 Asian Junior Championship

2014/06/09 15:01  5659  

2014 APBU Asian Junior Championship





The Result can download as below link>>

2014 APBU Junior Championship-Ranking Result

2014 APBU Junior Championship-Boy’s Single

2014 APBU Junior Championship-Girl’s Single

2014 APBU Junior Championship-Boy’s Double

2014 APBU Junior Championship-Girl’s Double

Japan Open

2014/06/09 14:58  2335  

JAPAN OPENThe Japan Open information>>The 27th annual JAPAN OPEN

2014 Amway eSpring World Women’s 9-ball Open

2013/12/30 14:44  7630  

For the tournament result:>>20140302 Amway result1890392_588316581263585_695131077_o







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